
blank canvas

White. Blanco.
The complete lack of color is powerful in so many ways. Theres no distractions or impurities. Nothing exists to deter from what your eyes intend to see, from what life intends you to capture. White is so plain, yet so freaking detailed in the same sense. What is really going on? Can there really be -nothing-?

Well yes, my friends, there can. What lies before you is something so simple that the untrained eye may simply pass it over. In a world of neons, bass-boat flake, crazy candy colors, and enough tacky hues to make a strong immune system sick, exists a color that is plainer and more boring than all. Or something like that. This year the wheels also morphed into something white. Maybe its just the freshness. Maybe its the fact that theyre damn near impossible to keep clean. Maybe Im just missing something that everyone else isnt. But hot damn does a white on white combo do it for me.

Ive always been a fan of white. Honestly, white is my favorite color on pretty much anything. A new pair of sneakers, vanilla ice cream, womens teeth, but most importantly my street slasher aka automobile. To truly capture the crispiness I surrounded the car with all things grunge. Abandoned buildings straight from Shutter Island, nasty ass dumpsters, and a dirty and tagged up water tower that hasnt been used since drinking water was brown. My car felt so at home in these pictures, amongst the filth that is the world. WHITE - Its the new black/lime-green/pink/whatever color you used to think was cool.

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