
take two

At what point does an object become unusable for its intended purpose? This thought, among others, has been running through my head like a marathon. As winter quickly approaches, so does terrible weather and even worse driving conditions. I always put my car in storage for the cold months and say goodbye to my cherished friend. With that comes a tear of sadness, days of loneliness, and an empty feeling in my heart. I always miss you, little guy.

Now this year is different. I am on my own and have to start thinking about a winter car. When I start thinking about cars, I often cross reference those thought with life. I start thinking about how useful my car is day to day and worry about its direction. Has it gone too far? Should I put the interior back in and make it more civilized for daily use? Or is it perfectly good enough, fast and loud and annoying. After all, that’s how I choose to live my life.

Then comes the thought, what do I buy next. I really want a Volkswagen to drive in the winter and use for daily drives and such. Throw a nice roof rack on it, slam it to the ground on some great fitting wheels, and call it a day. Unfortunately I am not good at “calling it a day” and it would probably just turn in to another project with no foreseeable end. Another endless money pit, just what I need.

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